My sewing pattern collection - 2018

I love seeing other sewers pattern collections so I thought I would show you mine! I don't have any pictures of pattern storage in this blog post. That's coming in the future.

I have a few PDF patterns to show you and then I have the outstanding collection of 3 paper patterns. This is my entire pattern collection as of december 2018.

Patterns by my own company Ploen Patterns are included but not self drafted ones that are only 1 size and experments that are not quite fully finished. Because most of the good ones are hopefully being released as real PDF patterns some day, and I want the releases to be a surprise. So stay tuned for that in 2019!

Let's get in to the collection! 

Paper patterns:

1. Vouge V8667. I bought this pattern a few years ago. I wanted a good princess seam bodice for dresses. I think it had a pretty good fit without too many adjustments but I've only made one (view C) and it was a while ago so I might have to adjust it to fit me right now. We'll see! I made view C in a white cotton poplin with red polka dots. Very sweet. And I also made a mini dress in matching fabric that I sold when I had an Etsy shop a few years ago. Too cute! The collar on this dress looks so elegant too. Need to give that a go!

V8667Polka dot dress

2. This is a Swedish vintage pattern "Stil 4864". The Stil company does not exist anymore to my knowledge. I think this pattern is late 60s - early 70s? I can't find it online or even find a photo of it so I have no idea. The texts in the instructions are very old timey Swedish though. I have made a toile for the jacket view A but I have not finished it. Maybe some day. Or I might pass this pattern on to someone else because it's not really my style.

Vintage pattern

3. I have a paper pattern for a bikini somewhere from the Swedish pattern company Svenska Mönster. But I can't find a photo of it right now. I made an attempt on a bikini when I was around 14 and it was a disaster and I've never tried it since... oh well. Might give it a go for next summer!

And that is the entirety of my paper pattern collection!

Now we can move on to the fun bit! Indie patterns! And PDF's because I don't own any indie patterns in paper format actually (I want some though because they tend to be so pretty). 

1. My first ever PDF pattern: The Georgia vintage dress by The Cottage Mama. I bought this girl's dress pattern when I wanted to use up tiny remnants of fabric and make more kid's clothes. I went on to draft my own patterns for kids and make alterations to this Georgia pattern. I sold cute little dresses in my Etsy shop and also gave dresses as gifts for friends and relatives with kids since I don't have any of my own yet :) 

This is the cutest dress and it's really fun to sew tiny tiny clothes!

2. The In the Folds x Peppermint magazine: Peplum top free pattern. To be honest I just downloaded this pattern because it was free. It's not my style and I didn't like the one I made, on me. Nothing wrong with the pattern it's just not right for me. Made it once, won't make it again I think. The collaboration with In the Folds and Peppermint magazine is awesome though. Lovely to provide free patterns! 

3. Another In the Folds x Peppermint magazine free pattern! The Jumpsuit. I have printed out the pages and then they were so many and I didn't feel like taping them so it's been sitting there for a while. I love this style and I hope it will look good on me. Just have to find the right fabric and I will make it! 

4. The Megan Nielsen Acacia. Lovely little pattern for undies that is free if you sign up to the free club. Which I did, of course. I made one pair and I didn't like the cut, but I'm sure I can change them up a bit to suit me. Great stash buster for those random tiny pieces of knits. I used a black and white scrap and also a blue scrap. And some white lingerie binding I had left over from school lingerie making. 

5. The Ariana woven dress by Style Arc! You know I love this dress <3. I bought the fabric for a specific occasion (wedding in Paris in July). I sewed it up just before we took the flight to France this summer and I love this dress and want to make many more for next summer! Read the Ariana dress blog post here

6. The Kelly Anorak by Closet Case Patterns. I think all of you know about this pattern... I bought it a few months ago and I also bought the hardware kit. Now I only need the outer fabric. But since I'm having a no fabric shopping year 2018 that will have to wait until 2019 :) But then I'm really really excited for this make! I think I will buy the lining too, to make it a real professional jacket.

7. The York Pinafore by Helen's Closet. I bought this as soon as it came out because it looked so so cute but then I don't know which fabric I want to use. I love the denim version that Helen made but I don't have any denim on hand so this project might have to wait for 2019 too. Which is no big deal since 2018 is almost over anyway. 

8. The Berrett Bralette by Madalynne Intimates. This is a lovely looking bra and as a bonus it's also a FREE pattern! I have not tried this one yet but I have the supplies for a wearable muslin which I hope to make soon. I have a black shiny fabric I want to use. 

9. My latest purchase is the Pussy bow blouse by Sew over it London. I love the look of this pattern and I have a gorgeous viscose fabric in mind. This is a make I hope I can finish before the end of the year actually. Wish me luck! 

10. This is another free pattern. The Tate top by Workroom Social. I had forgotten about his pattern actually. But now I want to try it :) 

11. Last but not least: My own patterns! I have released two patterns so far.

The Freja dress (Free download) and the Astrid skirt. I plan to make more of these for myself as soon as I decide on what fabric to use. You will be seeing more of these styles!

I wanted the Freja dress to be an easy make that didn't require zippers or buttons. An easy throw on dress for summer. I loved the Freja dress on holidays in Asia where the weather was too hot to handle... Love the tie belt that gives the dress some shape. 

For the Astrid skirt I wanted to create the skirt that I needed for my wardrobe. I love the pockets and pleats and button down front. It's a versatile pattern that can look completely different depending on the fabric quality and print. I love it in a stripe but I'm planning to sew it up in some nice solids as well. Great staple skirt!

Conclusion: I need to start buying some patterns - that's for sure! Hit me with you best T&T (tried and true) patterns! What are your staple patterns for your me made wardrobe? I clearly need some great pants, shorts an culottes for example. Any suggestions? 

Hope you enjoyed seeing this list <3 

I'm sure my 2019 pattern collection will have grown quite a bit. Exciting!

♥ ♥ ♥


Ploen Patterns 


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