About Ploen Patterns
Today I want to tell you a bit about Ploen Patterns, and a little about myself too. If that sounds interesting - read on!
My name is Josefine. I live in Stockholm, Sweden. This is me:
I started making my own clothes at age 9. My grandmother was a textile teacher and she taught me hand sewing, knitting, crochet, embroidery and other textile techniques. My mother taught me to use a sewing machine. I continued to make my own clothes all throughout school. I wanted to become a fashion designer but I got side tracked and studied different things, traveled and thought I needed to get "a degree and a real job" as many of us do. Then I woke up one day and decided I would follow my dreams. (What is even a "real job"?!) I then went to school for sewing, tailoring and pattern design. After that I took an advanced course in pattern construction. I always loved the technical part of fashion the most. I only thought I wanted to be a designer because I knew that it was a possibility. I didn't know garment technicians existed. Looking back I realize it was always the construction that spoke to me the most. I love to solve problems, find clever solutions to fit problems and find new construction solutions. I have dipped my toes in to sewing clothes to sell too (mainly kid's clothes). That was not for me but I'm glad I tried it. I learned A LOT.
I work in the fashion industry as a garment technician and production manager for a small sustainable fashion brand in Stockholm. I also do some freelancing in the fashion industry. I spend the rest of my hours on Ploen Patterns and I love it <3
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Why Ploen?
It might seam like a weird name for a company. But here's why:
My mother's last name is Ploen. She's 50% german. Ploen is a tiny little town in northern Germany. It's spelled Plön though. Ploen is an old spelling, or a simplified one. Why my grandfather had that name as a last name I have no idea...
My family visited this beautiful place a few years ago. Even though it's a tiny town it has a castle... so, win!
My last name is not Ploen however. I inherited my dad's last name which is Hultén. I wanted to get more of a connection to my mother's name and I didn't want to name my company after my own name so it was the perfect fit. It also has a great ring to it, right? Ploen Patterns.
I find a lot of my inspiration from the country I live in. Sweden has beautiful nature and history. The names for my pattern for example are old norse names and /or from norse mythology. Freja, Astrid, Vera, Eira etc.
Please leave a comment on what you would like to see for the upcoming blog posts! Sewing tutorials? Outfit pictures? My sewing projects? Something completely different or maybe all of it...? Let me know :)
PS. Yes, I speak German too. Not perfect by any means, but I try :)
Ploen Patterns
Nice post. All the best in your new pattern line. I sew a lot and enjoy reading sewing blogs.
That’s great Holly! I’m so excited to see your version of the Freja Dress <3
I’m a patternmaker in Chicago and look forward to reading more! I downloaded your Freya pattern and will try to send a decent pic after I sew it up.